Saturday, January 31, 2009

At the risk of embarrassing my daughter...

I have to share this funny story. Tonight, after she got out of the bath and brushed her teeth, I noticed Brooke had some, ahem, audible signals that she might have to go potty. So I suggested it, and she agreed. There was, as usual, a lot of dilly-dallying around, she hopped off the potty to grab tub toys (pants around ankles) and I told her to get back on the potty and concentrate on going #2 so we could get on with the bedtime routine. I left the room for a second and when I came back, she was sitting on the toilet with her legs crossed. I said "Brooke, you might want to uncross your legs if you want to get the job done," to which she replied, "but Mommy, I'm pooping like a lady."

How can a mom argue with that?!


tiburon said...

That is hysterical! Nothing like pooping like a lady :)

Alyssa said...

That is the funniest thing I have read in weeks. Thanks for the giggles.

Dani said...

ha ha ha!!