Saturday, July 26, 2008

Well that was complicated

I think I'm losing my technical edge. I used to be really good and FAST at figuring out technical things. Like my new BlackBerry. But I just spent 1/2 hour or more setting up a new email address on the phone and figuring out how to send myself a picture that I took today on the phone. Phew! Enjoy the fruits of my labor. We went to the annual Bellevue Arts Fair today and lo and behold... Brooke got to have her picture taken on a REAL police motorcycle! Her Uncle Clark, the motorcycle guy, would be proud. The picture I took was crummy (see above) but they took a very cute one and printed it for us, putting it in a folder that says "Junior Motor Officer." So cute.

Justin is out of town on a long trip so for two nights in a row now, after the kids have gone to sleep I've been amusing myself with all the horrible junk TV I record on TiVo. It's like junk food. At first, it feels like such an indulgence but after a while you're just watching it (eating it) because it's there and you're left strangely unfulfilled. I also discovered that you CAN make s'mores on the gas cooktop. Oh, this is bad to know. Very, very bad. It would have been much better if I'd lived the rest of my life thinking I had to wait until we had a campfire to eat s'mores with that authentic burned crust taste.

1 comment:

CDR said...

Cute, even though it's a Honda. :-)