Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Nasty. Today at the gym, I was minding my own business on the elliptical, when suddenly the worst odor appeared in the form of a man next to me. I am telling you - bad, awful, like smelly feet. Oh my goodness. I had to actually get off the machine and change places! I felt bad for him, he must have noticed that I moved within minutes of him arriving, but I couldn't breathe! Ugh. How can someone not notice that they smell that bad? He was well-dressed too, in expensive workout gear and did not look like the type who had an odor problem. I don't get it.


tiburon said...

I cannot tell you how many times I have been there! There is one guy at the gym that always wears a neck brace - and I don't think he has washed that thing in 20 years. We always joke that you should never look him directly in the eye or he will come and use the machine right next to you. NASTAY!!!

Melissa said...

I dont think they can smell themselves. I worked at a gym many many moons ago, and was the one elected to tell smelly guy he smelled.

His explanation? He always puts his workout clothes into his bag into the trunk. He said he always showered AFTER working out, which is great. But didnt realize that his workout gear needed to be washed too? Ick.

I felt like an ass having to tell him that and I was LOW on the totem pole obv. BUT he washed his clothes after that. He really was super smelly.