Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Sorry I've been so quiet...

A bunch of things have kept me away from blogging these past couple of weeks, and I feel guilty about it but wanted to say that I am alive and well and planning to blog again soon. The kids have been sick 5 or 6 times since school started (that's 5 or 6 times EACH in about 7 weeks... no fun) and Justin has gotten sick at least a couple of times and I finally got sick this past weekend. We were also out of town for about 5 days visiting my family in Oregon, and also our babysitter has been on vacation for a few weeks so it feels like there is just never time to sit down and write! She is back "on the job" this Friday and I am ready.

The other day, Brooke announced to me: "Did you know I'm the Cat's Meow?" I almost lost it. I asked her who told her that and she told me that Mimi did (my mom). Hilarious. And true!

Justin and I are celebrating our fifth wedding anniversary on Saturday! My mom has offered to take care of the kids so we can get away for the evening and we are really looking forward to it.

I saw a hearbreaking story about overwhelmed moms on Oprah the other day (saved on my TiVo from maybe a couple of weeks ago) that has made me take a deep breath. I found myself stopping in a frantic rush this morning and taking a moment to slow down as I remembered what happened in this sad story.

That's about it for me tonight, and I promise to write more and post pics very soon!

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