Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Potty training update

Well, I'm not sure how to grade our progress. Brooke is doing pretty well at peeing on the potty - which I am thrilled about. She is still wearing a pullup at night (I'll tackle that after the daytime is under control). She still poops whenever and wherever... and doesn't seem to notice it. Sigh. I have this incentive system in place - we have a big shopping bag full of goodies and she gets to pick one every time she uses the potty. It seems to be working well so far, but the best thing in the bag - a satin and velour Dora & Boots pillow - is reserved for pooping on the potty and I keep reminding her of how much she wants to earn it, but so far she hasn't been able to do it. She doesn't even seem to notice she's done it - much less get upset about it! This part is discouraging to me. I think I waited too long to push her on this. Everyone told me not to push, they'll do it when they're ready, etc. but now I'm not sure that's the best advice. She is way beyond capable but at this point (age 3) she has developed habits that are hard to change. I wish I'd done this before Jack was born because now it's really hard to focus on her 100% during this time, which is what she really needs to be successful.

Meanwhile can I just whine for a second about how hard it is? Man oh man! Sunday and Monday I did absolutely NOTHING except sit on the floor in the bathroom encouraging her, reading to her, and staring at her bare bottom. Not exactly productive or fun. We changed and washed a lot of wet underpants.

So today is day 3, wish us luck... thankfully the babysitter will be here today (I'll be around, working in the yard) so I get a break from the imprisonment in the powder room.

Any moms who have been through this, I'd love to hear words of encouragement!

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