Thursday, June 12, 2008

Thursday already?

This week is flying by. I can't believe it's Thursday evening already. The sun came out today which was lovely and I took the kids to the park this afternoon. Jack amazed me - crawling & cruising everywhere, he really enjoyed it.

I've made good on my workout commitment this week. I have been to the gym 3 days in a row, and am feeling better than ever about it. I was almost shocked today - when the timer ended on the elliptical machine at 30 minutes, I didn't notice it. I looked down and it had stopped at 33 minutes for some reason and I wasn't even tired. Fantastic! The only hitch was that I spent 90 minutes this morning (with babysitter here) downloading and organizing new workout music for my Shuffle. Then, I got to the gym and all my old music was still on it. Totally maddening! So tonight I'm going to make SURE the new music is on there, I can't wait to jam out to it.

Since Sarah asked how I find the time to get to the gym, it depends on the day. This week, I had a sitter Tues & Thurs so I was able to work out while she was with the kids those days. Yesterday, I took them with me to "Kids Club" at the gym which was a big hit. They loved it! Tomorrow I'm going to the gym at o'dark-thirty (probably 6 or 6:30) before Justin goes to work. I think my goal is twice a week early am, twice with the babysitter, and once to bring them to Kids Club. But any combination of the 3 is fine with me.

The other new thing I've been working on is changing up our dinner routine. We've been in a routine of feeding the kids at 5:30ish, then putting them to bed (we usually divide and conquer) by 7pm, then making/eating/cleaning up ourselves. The good thing about that routine is the time alone with Justin to eat a peaceful dinner after the kids are in bed. But the downsides are that (a) the kids miss out on eating together with the family, (b) I have to make two dinners, and (c) we end up finishing dishes at like 9pm! The whole evening is shot then. So for the past few nights I've been working on having dinner on the table for all of us together by 5:30 or 6pm. It's been wonderful to have a real wide open evening after the kids are in bed! Of course, the meal itself is not very relaxing - lots of "primitive behavior" - sometimes I think we have two little cave people living in our midst! There is constantly food being thrown / smeared / spilled everywhere, and me in an endless loop of "eat with your fork! no, put that down... take a bite please, no you may not get down yet." Then there's the constant jumping up & down for napkins, thrown sippy cups & utensils, etc. It's exhausting. But I have to believe that if we keep it up, over time it will get easier. It will get easier, right?

OK, I guess that's it for tonight. Hope your week is going well!

1 comment:

tiburon said...

I hate it when I think I synced my iPod and it didn't!!

Keep up the good work :)