Sunday, September 28, 2008

Painting project

Well, I am exhausted but proud to say that this weekend, we got started with the goal of repainting the interior of our house. Almost the whole house needs it (the outside needs paint too but that's a different post for a different time.) Since we've owned this house (almost 5 years) we've only painted the kids' rooms, master bedroom and kids' bathroom. The rest has been this awful, drab, dreary gray color that we've hated. It's such a bad color for our house, because we back up to a forested greenbelt with very tall evergreens and it's DARK. So the gray paint was NOT helping the situation. Of course, over the years we've accumulated dings and dinge that need patching and covering up, but we've had no touch-up paint that matches so eventually we had to do it. We were already planning to paint - had 4 color samples painted on the walls to choose our pleasure, when Friday our dingbat dog decided to tear a small hole in the entry hall wall. Needless to say, the painting project became an A priority overnight.

We decided to get the family room, kitchen, and hall done this weekend and we were successful. It entailed staying up until 3 am last night (and kids got me up at 7:00 this morning! Nice!) and finishing up all afternoon today, but we are SO GLAD we did it. It looks awesome - it's a nice cream that is clean, bright, and warm all at the same time. Next up: the living & dining rooms (which have vaulted ceiling so we'll have to rent an extension ladder) and the ceiling of the whole downstairs. And there's more after that, but for now, we're just happy to be out of the gates.

A side note: when did paint get so expensive? I was planning on ~$25-30/gallon. We bought Benjamin Moore paint, which we've had great results with in the past, and it was $45.99/gallon! Gulp! Fortunately our latest project only took two gallons. I think for the rest, we will investigate the 5 gallon buckets...


CDR said...

Any photos?

Benjamin Moore paint is the best. And it's even more if you go with low VOC.

tiburon said...

Where are the pics?!

And paint HAS gotten expensive! YIKES!