Friday, May 16, 2008

Friday Fun

Well, in a shocking twist of events, it's supposed to be sunny and 85 today (!) so I'm packing the kids up to head out for an outing. I think we are going to Tacoma to the Pt. Defiance Zoo and Aquarium, where they have a Beluga whale exhibit and my kids are always happy to see "Baby Beluga." I find myself faced with the common dilemma - what about Jack's naptime (11:30-2ish)? It's right smack in the middle of the day so if I keep him home for it, that basically rules out any decent outing. I'm deluding myself into thinking he might sleep in the stroller. Yeah right.

This is Brooke this morning with her "Nighttime Friends":

And my little man yesterday in his outfit that friends brought him from France. Oh, la la!

1 comment:

Dani said...

Was it hot enough for you?? WOOHOO I like hot, but even at the beach we were toasty!
I hope you guys had a great time.