Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Well that was a bust...

Who brings a baby to a movie?! Seriously! And then to not take the baby out when it starts fussing & crying - I mean, come on! I paid a babysitter so I could escape the sound of unhappy baby for two hours!

Tell me - would you have said something? I tried all the "pissed off body language" but nothing worked. I almost stood up and yelled across the theater but something stopped me. I wonder if I could have or should have said something.


Anonymous said...

Stephanie, I got your name off Dandy's blog, she is my husbands cousin. I truly want her help when she gets here so I will let you know when I see her and maybe you can join us.....even though we don't have triples!!!!! My children are grown but still love to eat!! So Dandy's tricks will fun!
Hope to meet you this summer,
Kelley(randkell@comcast.net)I live in Graham

tiburon said...

I would have flipped. That irritates me to NO END. When I get a sitter and then my entertainment is ruined by someone who didn't get a freaking sitter!! ARGH!