Monday, May 19, 2008

This and that

Monday morning - lots of things I'd like to accomplish today! Justin is in Las Vegas for a few days so I am stacking up evening projects that I am looking forward to.

I took a stamping class on Saturday at the rubber stamp shop at the mall - my friend Whitney taught the class and it was so much fun! I had a feeling I'd get bitten by the bug when I saw all the creative techniques and I was right. Whitney was nice enough to help me design a birthday invitation for Jack yesterday (and her employee discount was amazing, thanks Whitney!). I played around with the stamps and materials last night. Today I need to get a few more things and change my design just a bit. I'll post pics when I'm done (which better be soon because Jack's birthday is on 6/4!)

The other thing I'm working on this week is finishing my patio "rejuvenation" and getting my garden planted. I planted seeds in an indoor incubator with Brooke last week (cucubmers, pumpkins, corn, basil and rosemary). They are growing like crazy! The cucumber starts are already so tall that they are pushing the lid off, so I think it's time to get them in the raised bed outside. We have had a streak of very warm weather finally so I think the risk of frost has finally passed. My garden is still a mess from the winter, so I'll be tilling in some fresh compost before I can plant these starts. I'm also hoping to find some tomato plants to put in there too.

Finally, I bought some great new bronze colored zinc pots for our front porch and I'm anxious to fill them with flowers. A trip to Lowe's is definitely in order...

Hope you all have a great week!

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